Search results that match your lifestyle, interests age or gender; market or products specialisation for businesses.
A search engine custom designed for product and service search in Australia - for consumers and businesses (B2B).
Our expert sourcing team also helps you - at no cost - in the case of inadequate search results. Simply complete the "Ask us to Source for You" form - and let us find a perfect product or service for you.
Sellers or advertisers opt to join our platform. If they offer a product or a service that matches your search criteria, this means that you are their preferred customer - so then their details will supercede your Google search results. Thereby offering you a perfect product/service match to your requirements. There is no cost for you or the seller to enquire via our platform, or use any of the advertisers' links.
Over 15 million search pathways for you to find your perfect match for a product or service across Australia. And we are growing everyday.
It's great to use Google in a different way and get better results with Panda.
It's easy to use.
I work for a hotel and I'm really stoked to be able to use Panda to find our next suppliers.
Searching using Panda is fun. Thank you Panda.